Thursday, December 17, 2009

Girls Night Out!

I have the best adopted family ever! Maxine took us girls (me, Laura and Brittany) to dinner at Fazolis, to the Nutcracker and then out for some Starbucks. While we were downtown we stopped to admire some of the Christmas lights.

I had the best time and a much needed break! Hanging out with the Gagon girls is always full of fun and laughter, which is always directed at Maxine.

I was a bit nervous leaving Ayla for so long since she has been refusing a bottle since she was two months old, but I figured Daddy would be able to handle it. I came home to find out that Ayla had taken the bottle like she had been doing it forever and was out like a light until 7 this morning!

Thanks again Maxine, I love you!


  1. What a fun night out with the girls! Glad you ladies got to go and enjoy the night...soon Ayla will be able to go too.

  2. I love a girls night out... it makes your husband appreciate you more when he realizes all the stuff you do all day is really hard! oh... and the actual act of having fun is always good too!
