Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ayla's New Bling Bling!

We finally did it! I've been wanting to get Ayla's ears pierced for a couple of months, but I was quite nervous. I was 4 years old when I got mine, but I personally feel it would be better to do it young enough when it can't be remembered. I really wanted to get her these really cute flower ones, but Milton didn't want her to have too much bling. So, I said that he could pick them out only if he held her while they pierced her ears. I'm really glad he did! She wasn't happy come the time to do the second ear, but the moment they were through and I picked her up she was just fine.

1 comment:

  1. She looks so gorwn up! With all that hair and her little earrings! Darling baby girl, can't wait to see her tonight.
