Monday, December 5, 2011

October 2011

Our little peanut is 4 months old!!!

Gosh, look at that cute boy!

October was a happening month. Ayla graduated from the crib and straight to a full size bed. Uncle Brandon made her some foam wedges to put on the edges so she couldn't roll out in the middle of the night and they have worked like a charm...if only they could keep her in there. The transition went rather smoothly! Now, onto potty training soon!

She was so ready to go to bed, wish it could have been that way every night since then.

Ayla has a very cool cousin and they have so much fun together! We usually have play dates every other week alternating between each house. Xander has a hill in his backyard where they rode the big wheels down.

Once Ayla got to the bottom Xander would pull both big wheels to the top again.

Enjoying one of the last warm days.

Can't believe that I'm 27! Here we are getting ready for my birthday lunch at Red Robin.

I've never been so excited for Halloween. We went trick or treating 4 different times!

Ayla in the jump castle at the ward Halloween party.

Ayla loved cleaning out the pumpkin

Aunt McKelle is now living with us until the end of March while Ben is in training for the Air Force. We are so glad to have her here! The help has been needed and so has the company!

Showing off the pumpkins!

We went trick or treating at the mall and they had these adorable balloons that would skid across the ground as she pulled it. I couldn't resist buying her one and of course she picked out the ugliest one of the bunch!

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