Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ayla's 2nd Birthday!!!

Ayla didn't have to wait till her birthday for a lot of her gifts...I guess we are all just guilty of wanting to spoil her rotten. Milton and I got her a baby pool and a Little Tikes large slide the week before. Then Sunday, the day before her birthday Tio Elton & Gerson came just before church looking for Ayla. They took her outside and to her delight they had bought her a swing set! She was so excited!!! Thank you Elton, Gerson and Vanina for giving a 2 year old the perfect gift!

Our princess officially turned 2 on August 1st and little man turned 2 months old. This is one of my absolute favorite pics of them! It shows Ayla's big sister, but cheesy personality and one of the hundreds of big, toothless smiles that Ahrian gives us every day.

For Ayla's birthday we met up with Brittany, Laura, Mikey and their kids at the zoo.

The Denver Zoo now has a new splash park, which the kids LOVED!

After nap time Tio Gerson and Elton came over for a birthday BBQ. Ayla had so much fun sliding into her baby pool.

Tio Gerson tried to convince me that Ayla wanted Crocs for her birthday (I personally do not like them). To my surprise, he was right. She has hardly taken them off since.
Tio Elton came bearing another gift, a tricycle! She's a bit too small yet, but I'm sure in no time she'll get it figured out!

Singing happy birthday.

It's amazing how she didn't need any help knowing what to do. She blew those candles out like a champ!

Mordida! Mordida! (A chant that means take a bite).
What a wonderful day and even more a wonderful daughter! We have been blessed beyond words with her in our family. We love and adore you Ayla! Happy 2nd Birthday!

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