Ahrian Ulises Rosas has joined our family! Here is his birth story...
At my 39 week appt I was dilated to a 1 and 60% effaced. My midwife, Patti (she delivered Ayla) was sure that I wouldn't be making it to my due date and said that if I went into labor over the weekend to make sure she was notified so she could come deliver Ahrian, even though she wasn't going to be on call. I was hopeful that was going to happen since she was so wonderful at Ayla's birth.
I "started" labor Sunday May 29th. We were getting out of the car to head into the chapel when the first contraction hit and had me about doubled over the car. They continued on throughout church, but I was a bit in denial that they were the real thing since I had been having false labor for several weeks. After church the contractions just stopped. I was a bit frustrated since I knew they had been real contractions and not braxton hicks. I was praying he would come before Tuesday because I had another appt and they were going to check my fluid levels. I had been induced with Ayla due to low fluid and I definitely didn't want that to happen again.
Monday night the contractions started again and continued on through the night about 10 minutes apart. They never got any stronger or closer together, but they were strong enough to keep me awake most of the night. I went to my appt the following day and explained that I was sure I was in labor. The midwife checked me and said that I was dilated to almost a 4 and effaced 70%. She didn't see the need to check my fluid levels and said to go home until the contractions got a little closer together.
I was fortunate enough to have a great friend, Marisa, watch Ayla for me up until her nap time. I was definitely uncomfortable enough that I couldn't handle a very energetic 22 month old!
After my appt they ranged anywhere from 5-10 minutes apart, but still didn't change much in intensity. Again, this continued on throughout the night. Luckily, I was able to get more sleep than the night before, but I knew that I couldn't go on much longer.
Come morning, June 1st (my due date) I called the on-call midwife and explained what had been going on. When she heard that I had been at a 4 the day before she said to come right on in.
We dropped Ayla off with her Tio Elton and headed to the hospital.
Upon arriving I was dilated to a 6-7, but my contractions still maintained the 10 minutes apart. After some monitoring I got in the tub for awhile. After a few hours I made no progression and we decided to have my water broke. The contractions at that point definitely became more intense, but again after another hour, no progression. By this time it was about 2:00 in the afternoon and I was wearing out quickly. Thinking back on my labor with Ayla, my water broke shortly after arriving at the hospital. I arrived dilated to a 3 and 15 hours later I was only at a 4! I knew that if my labor with Ahrian was going to continue to be that slow I couldn't go on much longer so Milton and I decided that maybe a natural delivery wasn't going to happen (something I had really wanted with both of my babies).
We let Wendy, the midwife, know that we had decided to start the pitocin and that I wanted an epidural (I remembered how intense the pitocin was when I had Ayla). They hooked me up and right away the contractions became INTENSE and right on top of eachother! While getting the epidural my nurse was wonderful helping me breath through the contractions. After the epidural had been given I kept wondering when it was going to fully work...well, needless to say it only took the edge off for about 20 minutes. Within 30 minutes I was telling Milton to get them back in the room because I needed to push!!! I kept hitting the epidural button hoping for some relief, but got none. The nurses and Wendy came rushing in and within just a few good pushes Ahrian Ulises Rosas was born at 4:41pm! I always wanted a natural birth and I guess that's as close as I may come. It was the most intense 30 minutes of my life! I felt everything! I don't know if I (or anyone for that matter) ever want to watch that birth video!
As anyone who has had a baby knows, as soon as I held my little man in my arms all was pretty much forgotten.
Previous to his birth I had wrapped a present for Ayla "from" her brother. It was a baby kit that included a bottle, pacifier, spoons, diaper, etc and right away she was taking care of her baby too.
Life is great being a family of four! I can't believe we have been so blessed with such beautiful children. Ayla has been such a wonderful big sister. She is constantly giving Ahrian kisses and helping in any way she can. The adjustment has overall gone well other than she does take it out on me at times (better me than her brother).
I have felt really good! I had a slight tear from the delivery which hasn't given me any problems at all (I found out about a month after Ayla's birth that I was allergic to the stitches they had used with her). I can't believe how tired and exhausted I was for weeks after Ayla's delivery and how I've been dying to work out and get back to life after this one.
Thank you to all who helped us during my very, very long labor! I am so grateful to be surrounded by family and friends who are so willing to lend a hand whenever we need it.
I have a lot of catching up to do, so keep on checking the blog. I couldn't figure out for months why my blog wouldn't let me publish my posts, only to find out tonight that it was because of Internet Explorer. Stay tuned!
We are so glad that Ahrian is here safe and sound! And right on time! He is so sweet.
ReplyDeleteAhrian is so cute and Ayla is still adorable as ever! We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to have the sixth boy! lol. Miss you guys!