Friday, August 27, 2010
Utah Trip - Week 1
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Soaking Up Every Bit of Summer
Ayla's Newest Skill, TANTRUMS!
As you can see in this video, it was a full on tantrum because as soon as my phone started to ring she snapped out of it and crawled away to go find it.
Random August Happenings
Ayla loves eating! When we went out to dinner this last week with Milton's family. Ayla had food in each hand and resorted to eating like a dog just so she wouldn't have to put anything down. She is always the center of attention and loves every minute of it!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Takin the Monkies to the Zoo
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Bubble Fun
My Little Basket Case
It seems that with the one year birthday came a whole new stage for Ayla. She has really began to PLAY with everything (including things she's not supposed to). One of her favorite things is playing peek-a-boo her own way. This usually consists of her putting blankets, clothes, her toy baskets or anything else that will go over her head.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Picking Up Toys and Bugs
Abuelita taught Ayla how to pick up her toys! Gotta love the sound effects that have to go along with it.
Ayla and I had gone to the garden to get some lettuce and a little grasshopper came back with us. Ayla's reaction to the grasshopper is so cute! Note: No insects were harmed in the making of this video (or at least he was still alive when I put him back outside).
Ayla Turns 1!
Ayla learning how to walk with her car.
Ayla's 1st Birthday Bash!
The party went on until the sun went down! It was such a blast and we are so glad to have such close friends and family to celebrate such a special occasion. Thank you everyone for coming, contributing to the awesome food and spoiling our little princess!
Here's a video of Ayla hitting the pinata.