Friday, May 14, 2010

I Shouldn't Have, but I Did!

After running some errands I decided that we would make a quick trip to check on our community garden plot....Of course I let my ice cream craving get the better of me and we stopped at McDonalds Drive-Thru on the way. While getting Ayla out of her carseat she noticed I was eating something and HAD to HAVE it. I relented and of course she LOVED it.

It's been kinda nice that she eats just about anything we do...but there's no hiding anything from her either. Even if she is eating the same thing we are she still wants what is on our plate instead. What can I say...she has parents who like to eat and she's inherited our genes.

One taste just wasn't enough. I'm not sure who had the most.

On our way back from looking at our garden (which is starting to sprout) I didn't have a napkin with us so I decided that licking her face would be the fastest way to clean her up. She thought it was hilarious and I happened to get a picture after the first lick, hence the reason only one half of her face has ice cream.
Oh, Ayla! We sure love you!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Xander had his first taste of ice cream at 3 months...I can't remember when he had his first cone but I believe ice cream is a very important part of their diet and they need to start young! =) I'm glad she loved it!
